Notwithstanding the challenges being faced with the Covid-19 Lockdown we have continued to prosper and now operate under Level 2 Lockdown which gives us more freedom and with fewer restrictions in place.

During this time Psalm 91 has been our anchor and our shield.  Praise The Lord!

We are doing well although a number of clients, especially in the food sector, have experienced hardship and have been unable to trade openly and we are looking to offer them relief. We are confident that once the Lockdown is totally lifted we will see the economy take off again, although at a slower pace, but as a team we are ready for the take-off.

To date our loan book stands at R532,000. The goal set for the business to reach by the end of December 2020 was R500,000 and are happy with achieving this goal and are now looking to take the loan book to R1m over time. We are, however, mindful to always be on the lookout for good quality loans.

Vegetable Garden Prospering in Port Elizabeth

Xolani Siwa is a go-getter with green fingers and owns and operates a vegetable garden situated in Walmer Township, Port Elizabeth.

He plants all types of vegetables which he in turn sells to the local community.

The buildings on site were built by French  Architectural students who did their “Prac year” and were financed through the French Government using mainly recycled material.

Khanyisa Credit is looking to provide Solar equipment to run a water pump which in turn will drip feed the plants.

Dreams of building a taxi fleet business

Lonwabo Befile has been a BOLT taxi driver in Port Elizabeth for a few months and has been very successful and shown himself to be hardworking and diligent.

The only drawback was that he had to hire a car and this reduced his income significantly.

We assisted Lonwabo in finding a suitable second hand car and granted him a loan so that he can eventually become the owner of the car, once the loan is repaid, he can chart his own destiny.

His long-term goal is to own and operate a fleet of taxis and this is the seed towards fulfilling this dream.


Samora Cawe makes his living driving taxi for BOLT

Meet Samora Cawe who lives in Cape Town.  We have partly financed the above car to enable him to use it as a taxi driving for BOLT.

Up until the start of the Lockdown he was very busy ferrying passengers all over Cape Town but the Covid-19 virus has affected business and is doing limited work until the virus has lifted.



Helping Sydney take his grass trimming business to the next level

Sydney is a Church Planter for AFC as well as a Security Guard and in his spare time he cuts grass using a Weed Eater. During a regular month he cuts/trims up to 86 gardens which brings in extra income.
He has been given the opportunity to extend his grass cutting footprint but needed reliable transport to
enable him to get to different locations quickly, and so we financed a second-hand Opel car (left). The car may not be new but it suits his needs and it is changing his life.

Mr D – loans for delivery bikes during increase in takeout deliveries

Mr D is a delivery service offered in Port Elizabeth and is very successful and popular. We have financed 2 Honda motorbikes for father & son, Bill & William Blake, who do deliveries on behalf of Mr D and Takealot and earn a fee for every delivery undertaken and are paid weekly. Bill and William are hardworking and this type of work has provided food on their table.  The loans for the bikes will be paid in full within a year.