Opportunity For Hope

About Us​

Our Story

Opportunity for Hope endeavors to address spiritual and material needs of people in underprivileged areas of the world using economic development tools.  The Foundation will strive and obey the commandments of Jesus Christ to influence people to His glory and their good.  We partner with other organizations around the world with a similar vision by providing process, training, and financial support to their organizations.   Organizations we partner with include:  Chamuel Hope Trust Fund, Khanyisa Credit, Africa for Christ.

Our Vision

To see Christ’s Kingdom expand through the vehicle of micro loans enabled by the generosity of His children who have a heart for the poor.

Our Mission

  1. Opportunity for Hope was created to economically empower the poor who want to make a better life for themselves.
  2. To be a catalyst for self-sustaining economic development through the application of the principals of micro finance.
  3. We will focus on the poorest of the poor, those that earn $3 per day or less.
  4. All done with the goal of furthering the Gospel by lifting up the poor.

Our Board

Alan Muench

Board Chairman

Tim Scholten

Board Member

Chris Barrett


Douglas C. Robinette

Board Member

Michael Monks

Board Member

Matthew J. Vulanich

Board Member


The Opportunity for Hope Foundation endeavors to address spiritual and material needs of people in underprivileged areas of the world by making grants to Field Partner organizations that specialize in micro lending practices. 

We began with the funding of a program in Honduras in 2007.

O4H Foundation is a not-for-profit fund-raising organization. Donor checks can be made out to Opportunity for Hope and are tax deductible. O4H then will use the money for the following:

a. Send to a Field Partner organization to use in a previously approved O4H project:
The Field Partners are organizations for whom O4H has done due diligence and believes will accomplish O4H Vision & Mission. There is a formal Funding Agreement in place that stipulates O4H expectations and O4H representatives periodically check on progress and commitment to the original intent of the project.

b. O4H administrative expenses:
O4H is run by volunteers. There is no paid staff. Limited expenses are incurred primarily to confirm that Field Partners are fulfilling O4H Mission & Vision. There are also limited expenses to ensure proper financial reporting and fulfill non-profit regulatory requirements.

c. Fundraising:
While O4H raises funds primarily through word of mouth and does not use professional fundraisers, some expenditure is made for the production of collateral material and website updates in order to inform potential donors.

Important note on O4H projects – Sustainability:
O4H endeavors to find Field partners that understand the concept of sustainability when it invests in a micro loan or micro enterprise loan project. (I.e. The project needs to demonstrate the ability to fund itself, or charge its beneficiaries enough in fees to cover operating expenses, for indefinite life.) This allows the donors gift to benefit a recipient many times over as it is lent and repaid and lent again. This usually is not ac

O4H will provide current donors with quarterly reports on the progress on individual projects in a summary form. Quarterly financial statements and tax returns will be available on our website.  See tax return here

The stories speak for themselves. They display the power of targeted, well planned lending to change lives. God is subsequently glorified as his people prosper and praise him. If the projects reach sustainability they can impact a community for many years to come.

No.  Your contribution is a charitable gift, not a loan to O4H. O4H commits nearly all the contributions it receives to Field Partners that use the money in their particular economic development project. Any return on the money the Field Partner receives is re-invested in the project to pursue financial sustainability.

O4H carefully selects trusted Field Partners.  The vetting process for field partners is thorough.  Once a potential partner is selected, there is a transfer of a small test program amount of funding.  After an appropriate period of time, usually a year, the program is re-evaluated to determine if it would be a viable micro-lending program.    You are able access updated information on each project with a sampling of stories on the O4H website.  Opportunities are available to accompany O4H board members on short term trips to as they review the projects.

Click on the link and use the secure Paypal “donate” button on the next page: https://opportunityforhope.org/donate

or mail checks to:
Opportunity for Hope
PO Box 2265
Westerville, OH 43086-2265

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